Dec 29, 2009

Precious Bridal Rooms - Social Networking

Bimbo Design are in the final stages of the re-brand for Precious Bridal Rooms.  We have now set up their Blog and Facebook page, which already has 66 Fans!

Social networking is one of the fastest growing media - and one of the simplest ways to get your business infront of the masses, for very little expense (hurrah!)

Is your business taking advantage of Social Networking?  Bimbo Design are running our first Social Networking Workshop on 25th February 2010 

- From 10am to 14.00 including lunch
- For only £50 per person 

Interested? Call 01246 855 222 or email - but hurry places are limited. 

Precious Bridal Roms - Chesterfield, Derbyshire

Bimbo Design - Printing by Bimbo

Dec 18, 2009

Is your business missing out?

Is Twitter getting you all of a Twitter? Due to high demand, Bimbo Design are pleased to announce these exclusive workshops, specifically designed to enhance your business productivity and increase sales revenue from your online marketing.

Social Networking - 25th February 2010
Blogging - 25th March 2010
Website SEO - 29th April 2010

The workshops are designed to not only arm you with all the relevant awareness, but to also give you the knowledge and skills to go on to build strong online marketing campaigns that get you ahead of your competition!

- From 10am to 14.00 including lunch

- For only £50 per person

To Book Call 01246 855 222 or email - but hurry places are limited. 

Social Networking & Marketing Workshops Chesterfield

Bimbo Design - Printing by Bimbo

Dec 17, 2009

Glitterati Beauty Salon - Flyers

Bimbo Design have just stated working with Anna from Glitterati Beauty Salon in London.  Anna's salon is like no other salon we have ever seen, glamorous and welcoming fit for any of the worlds glitterati!

We have designed & printed some leaflets for Glitterati but we are also working on their new 2010 treatment price list. 

Are you looking to promote your business in the new year?  Why not give Lynsey a call on 01246 855 222 or visit our online shop! 

Glitterati Beauty Salon - London 

Bimbo Design - Printing by Bimbo

Dec 11, 2009

Thank You for all your support...

Happy Crimbo from Bimbo Design

We'd just like to say a big 'Thank you' for your valued custom in 2009 - If you've not used Bimbo Design before, why not kick start you business in 2010 by giving us a try... we don't bite!

Please note: we will be closing for the Christmas break from
5pm Tuesday 22nd December and re-opening on the 4th January 2010... we are looking forward to having a glass of Mulled Wine or three! : )

Please feel free to drop us an email or visit our online shop

Bimbo Design - Printing by Bimbo Chesterfield, Derbyshire

Christmas cards - Sarah Victoria Beauty

It's that lovely time of year!  We're all running around like crazy maniacs trying to find the perfect gift for a loved one, however... don't forget your clients!  Christmas is a great time to send them a card to say how much you value their business - at the some time offer some kind of incentive and keep them coming back long into the new year.

Sarah at Sarah Victoria Beauty decided to send her clients a personalised Christmas card, which inside contains a little treat... a £5 voucher!  a simple but vey effective marketing promotion. 

It's still not too late to promote your business for the new year - but hurry, 2010 is nearly here! Call Lynsey on 01246 855222 or email for some ideas. 

Sarah Victoria Beauty - Ilkley, Yorkshire 

Bimbo Design - Printing by Bimbo